Overcoming Organizational Obstacles to
Unlock the Value of Project Management Part 1:
Putting Out Fires and Reducing the Drama
By Vicki Wrona, PMP
Recent research has documented the value of project management at various levels and in a variety of organizations. In the research study, Researching the Value of Project Management by Janice Thomas, Ph.D. and Mark Mullaly,…
Unlock the Value of Project Management Part 1:
Putting Out Fires and Reducing the Drama

Overcoming Organizational Obstacles to
Unlock the Value of Project Management
Part 2: Mowing Down Turf Protection
by Vicki Wrona, PMP
In the previous post, Putting Out Fires and Reducing the Drama, we examined the first of five cultural barriers. We’ll now explore the second obstacle faced by project managers and project team members: turf protection.
Unlock the Value of Project Management
Part 2: Mowing Down Turf Protection

Goal Analysis
By Dot Young
Goal setting is almost as ubiquitous as breathing for most of us. We do it constantly, both personally and professionally, whether we're aware of it or not. In fact, you set a goal when you clicked this link, presumably to learn…

The Inherent Risks of Skiing
and Project Management
By Bill Flury
Skiing is Inherently Risky
If you are a skier you know that there are many risks involved in every run. You face challenges at every turn and face loss of control or failure throughout every run. When you go skiing, you are…
and Project Management

Holiday Season Quiz
by Bill Flury
Congratulations! Your organization has asked you to be the project manager who will take charge of running all the holiday parties in December. Here are some things you will need to work on.
1. You will need a place to hold…

Overcoming Organizational
Dysfunction: Unlock the Value of
Project Management to Get Work Done
by Vicki Wrona, PMP
Forward Momentum is proud to announce the release of our FREE Insider's Guide ebook, Overcoming Organizational Dysfunction: Unlock the Value of Project Management to Get Work Done.
Research has proven that project…
Dysfunction: Unlock the Value of
Project Management to Get Work Done