Keeping Your Project On Time
By Bruce Beer, PMP
Note: This is Part 1 of the Keeping Your Projects on Track series. Part 2 is Keeping Your Project Within Budget.
You want to be seen as the latest wunderkind of your Company and to bring your new critical project in on…
Overcoming Organizational Obstacles to
Unlock the Value of Project Management Part 1:
Putting Out Fires and Reducing the Drama
By Vicki Wrona, PMP
Recent research has documented the value of project management at various levels and in a variety of organizations. In the research study, Researching the Value of Project Management by Janice Thomas, Ph.D. and Mark Mullaly,…
Unlock the Value of Project Management Part 1:
Putting Out Fires and Reducing the Drama
What Is Project Success….Really?
By Vicki Wrona, PMP:
When it comes to projects, the classic definition of project success is to deliver a project on time, on budget and within scope. However, I’m not sure that definition is adequate. I think it’s time that we revisit…
Failure Is Not an Option… Well, Sometimes
By Craig Covello, PMP
I think it’s fair to say that most project participants are interested in doing a good job. Money is certainly a motivational factor, but many of us also value the concepts of personal integrity, commitment and reputation.…
Overcoming Organizational Obstacles to
Unlock the Value of Project Management
Part 2: Mowing Down Turf Protection
by Vicki Wrona, PMP
In the previous post, Putting Out Fires and Reducing the Drama, we examined the first of five cultural barriers. We’ll now explore the second obstacle faced by project managers and project team members: turf protection.
Unlock the Value of Project Management
Part 2: Mowing Down Turf Protection
Rearview Mirror Project Management
By Dr. Gerald Mulenburg, PMP:
A colleague of mine once complained to me about earned value management (EVM). “It’s ok, but it seems that managing using earned value management information is as if you’re driving down the highway…