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Listen to Me! I Have Some Good Ideas!

By Bruce Beer, PMP: Have you ever thought of a great improvement to content, process, design, product etc., and respectfully suggested this to your manager? What was his or her response? It could well have been something like “Great idea,…
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The Sponsor’s Role in a Project is Imperfectly Clear – One Man’s Humorous Journey to Understand It

By Darrell G. Stiffler, PMP: When battling through a project, the Project Manager’s (PM’s) closest ally should be the Project Sponsor (PS).  However, there is confusion when talking to different people in exactly what the responsibilities…
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Lessons Learned for Leaders – Follow Domino’s (and Others)

By Vicki Wrona, PMP: There are several good examples of large and medium company leadership recognizing the value of learning from their mistakes, including Domino’s and Goodman Networks. If it works for the leaders of companies, why not…
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Point-Counterpoint: The Role of the Project Management Office

By Kathy Martucci, PMP: What is the role of the Project Management Office (PMO)?  Is its sole purpose to provide an organizational home for project managers or is it an independent group charged with developing and communicating project…
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Getting to Yes – A Management Classic

By Brian Egan, PMP: Very few non-fiction books are being read 35+ years after they were first published. Getting to Yes is the exception. First published in 1981 by Roger Fisher and William Ury, Getting to Yes – Negotiating Agreement Without…
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It’s a Matter of View(point)

By Vicki Wrona, PMP: Recently, I was at a neighbor’s house looking out their front door at our street and at my house, a perspective I normally don’t have. Even though I walk my dog by their house frequently, I don’t sit on their front…