Point-Counterpoint: The Technical vs the Non-Technical Project Manager
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How Triage Techniques Might Have Helped Toyota, Part 1

By Bruce Beer, PMP: This is the first of two posts. How can a company that built its reputation on quality have been in the state where they seemed to be pilloried from all directions due to quality failures? Toyota was in trouble,…
Point-Counterpoint: The Technical vs the Non-Technical Project Manager
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E-Mail Pet Peeves

By Vicki Wrona, PMP: We all have pet peeves — those things that others (or possibly you) do that drive you crazy. I’ll start with some of mine with regard to emails. I am not disclosing this to rant, but instead in an attempt for all…
Point-Counterpoint: The Technical vs the Non-Technical Project Manager
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Issues are Like Snow Banks – They Don’t Melt

By Vicki Wrona, PMP: It’s that time of year. The sun is coming out, we are now entering spring and many parts of the world which have experienced heavy snow storms this winter are starting to unthaw. Have you ever noticed how in the spring,…
Point-Counterpoint: The Technical vs the Non-Technical Project Manager
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Point-Counterpoint: The Technical
vs the Non-Technical
Project Manager

By Kathy Martucci, PMP: In this world of complex information technology projects, is a non-technical project manager as effective or as successful as a technical project manager? Is the project manager required to have a technical background…
Point-Counterpoint: The Technical vs the Non-Technical Project Manager
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What Do You Do When You Don’t Get a Response?

By Vicki Wrona, PMP: Have you ever had someone who just wouldn’t respond to your messages, no matter how much you tried to reach them? There are a myriad of reasons why this occurs. Regardless of that, how do you interpret the silence?…
Point-Counterpoint: The Technical vs the Non-Technical Project Manager
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Getting Past No – The Saga Continues…

By Brian Egan, PMP: Getting Past No – Negotiations in Difficult Situations by William Ury, Bantom Books, 2007, is the sequel to Getting to Yes (Fisher and Ury, 1981). First published in 1991, ten years after Getting to Yes, this book…