Entries by vwrona

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A Training Revolution: Get the
Most Out of Your Training Dollar

By Edward J. Williams, MAEd, MHRM, MBA Calling all managers, directors and similar company leadership. Do you know what you’re getting in return when you send your employees off to training? We know that sometimes training is just to comply with mandatory directives. But, what about that training you thought the employees would bring back to […]

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Stimulate Action with
the Gap Method

By Bill Flury A stranger walks up to you and says, “Excuse me, your zipper is open”. Instinctively, you look for the exposed gap and rush to close it. Your reaction is intuitive and urgent. Most people have a strong, inbred urge to try to close what they perceive as gaps. They feel compelled to […]

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Goal Analysis

By Dot Young Goal setting is almost as ubiquitous as breathing for most of us. We do it constantly, both personally and professionally, whether we’re aware of it or not. In fact, you set a goal when you clicked this link, presumably to learn more on the topic of goal analysis. But how do you […]

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How Our Virtual Team
Regained Its Humanity

by Tiffany Robinson With 1 in 5 people in today’s workforce working in a virtual team environment, virtual employee engagement is strong-arming its way into companies’ overall employee engagement strategies everywhere. Over the past 3 years, I have had a prodigious experience as a member of a flourishing virtual team and in many ways my […]

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“Work” and “Fun” Don’t Have
to Be Contradictory Terms

By Bill Flury “Now Our Work is More Fun” Work and Fun? – a strange combination, but we keep hearing this from most of the folks who are feeling the effects of their process improvement activities where they work. When we do follow-up visits with our clients, we hope they will say that things are […]