The Inherent Risks of Skiing
and Project Management
By Bill Flury
Skiing is Inherently Risky
If you are a skier you know that there are many risks involved in every run. You face challenges at every turn and face loss of control or failure throughout every run. When you go skiing, you are reminded of all the inherent risks by the slope managers who provide you with a handy list on the back of your lift ticket.
There is a caution printed on the back of lift tickets at all Utah ski sites. It is wise to read it before going on the slopes and remember to be prepared for all of the contingencies listed:
Project Management is Also Inherently Risky
As a project manager you also know that there are many risks involved in every project. You face challenges at every turn and face loss of control or failure throughout every project. Each time you start a new project it would be helpful to have a handy reminder of the inherent risks that you must be prepared to face.
The types of risks mentioned on the ski ticket might be the same that you face when you are managing a project. See how they might apply:
A Skiers Tips for Project Managers
So how can Project Managers ensure safety and progress “on the slopes”?
- Project Management, like skiing, is an active sport.
- Accidents and injuries to careers and psyches do occur.
- Be aware that others will try to snow you from time to time.
- Always remember to manage projects safely, within control.
- If you cannot accept the inherent risks of project management, don’t get on the slopes.
What tips have you learned from the slopes? Share below, and happy skiing!
and Project Management
As a former skier I had to give it up when I could no longer get up after a fall..(less strength as time went on…impact of aging and un-fun and a big gap in performance
Lots of examples of all of these in every day life and you captured some good ones.