Distributed Authority
in Project Management
by Dr. Gerald Mulenburg, PMP
It is usually clear that an assigned project manager is in charge of a project and that they have the necessary authority to get it done. But what exactly does that mean? How do they get their authority, what…
in Project Management
Stimulate Action with
the Gap Method
By Bill Flury
A stranger walks up to you and says, “Excuse me, your zipper is open”. Instinctively, you look for the exposed gap and rush to close it. Your reaction is intuitive and urgent.
Most people have a strong, inbred urge to…
the Gap Method
Goal Analysis
By Dot Young
Goal setting is almost as ubiquitous as breathing for most of us. We do it constantly, both personally and professionally, whether we're aware of it or not. In fact, you set a goal when you clicked this link, presumably to learn…
Is There a Metaphor for
Project Management?
by Dr. Gerald Mulenburg, PMP
In reading some metaphors that describe leadership, I began to think of metaphors I’ve seen for project management and wonder whether any really capture the essence of what happens in projects.
Sports metaphors…
Project Management?
Tangible Benefits of Having a Well Defined Process
by Bill Flury
Our project team was together around the table at our weekly Brown Bag lunch. That’s where we catch up with each other and share our ideas and concerns. George, our team’s work estimator and planner, brought up a subject…
Projects, Projects Everywhere: A Project Portfolio Management Approach
by Kathy Martucci, PMP:
Everybody’s project is this year’s priority. Everyone is a project manager. Every manager thinks her initiatives should receive major portions of the limited funding that is available these days. Every team wants…