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White Paper: Manage Risk, Don’t Let It Manage You!

by Vicki Wrona, PMP Some experts have said that a strong risk management process can decrease problems on a project by as much as 80 or 90 percent. In combination with solid project management practices—having a well-defined scope, incorporating…
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Staying on Track: Matching Behaviors to Values

By Vicki Wrona, PMP: It’s human nature for us to focus on what we love. If your main focus is work, or you work long hours to the detriment of your family, that says something about what you love. You choose to focus on that,…
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Split Decisions: The Dual
Cultures in Organizations

by Burl W. Randolph Jr. “A house divided against itself cannot stand” Mark 3:25 President Lincoln used this passage of scripture in his House Divided Speech in accepting the Republican nomination of 1858. Is your workplace a house divided?…
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Pressure: What Keeps Most
Eggs from Cracking?

By Burl W. Randolph Jr. I would imagine that everyone has bought eggs, right? Catchy intro, huh? Anyway, there are many clichés and metaphors referring to ‘cracking’ eggs to achieve a goal, or related to succumbing to pressure. Pressure…
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7 Steps to a Successful
Virtual Team

by Tiffany Robinson Employee engagement has been a hot topic over the past decade with many companies increasing the number of perks and benefits offered in order to become an attractive place to work and a hard place to leave. If your…
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Resolving Conflict Within
Remote Teams

By Bill Flury A few years ago, I was manager of a Law Enforcement Assistance Administration project on which we had small teams working in eight different cities. Each team was tasked to work with the local police, courts, or corrections…