Cross Footing and Run Rate Exhaustion, Part 1
By Craig Covello, PMP:
This is part one of a two-part article.
At first glance, the title of this article might lead you to believe that the subject has something to do with the Boston Marathon or Churchill Downs. Although I’m sure…

Quality Planning – Is It Really Worth It? (part 1)
By Bruce Beer, PMP:
This is Part 1 of a two-part series.
OK, so most Project Managers who have attended any type of project management class will have had “Quality” thrown at them with the outline of what should go into a “Quality…

Plan B: How to Make an
Effective Contingency Plan
By Craig Covello, PMP:
The simplest path between any two points is a straight line. The logic of geometry cannot be argued, however, geometry does not necessarily mirror the journey required to deliver a project on time and within budget. …
Effective Contingency Plan

Some Abuses of Project
Management Best Practices
By Craig Covello, PMP:
In this article, let's explore the use and abuse of best practices in project management. It’s fair to assume that there are a large number of opinions on this matter, as are the number of anecdotal examples that…
Management Best Practices

Nothing “Stupid” about Keeping It Simple
By Craig Covello, PMP:
You’ve probably heard the acronym “KISS”, which stands for “keep it simple, stupid”. I must admit, I was never a fan of any phrase that assumes the audience has diminished capacity. And in this case, there…

Virtual Teams and PMOs – The European Experience
By Bruce Beer, PMP:
Working with virtual teams and PMOs has enough challenges when they are all contained in the USA; however when these teams are global with different time zones and languages, it has a certain dimension that adds “interest”…