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Yes, You Can Negotiate Project
Constraints! Part 1

by Alan S. Koch, PMP, CSM, Certified ITIL Expert: Note: This is Part 1 of a 2-part series on estimating and negotiating project constraints. Estimation Is the Key “This is what we need. You can use these resources. And you must deliver…
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Keep a Smile and Your “Customers”
Coming Back

by Karey Rees I recently returned from a fun vacation to Disney World with my family. Every time I go to a Disney park I am in awe at the outward level of friendliness, happiness and willingness to help others from all employees. Over our…
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The Value of Speaking Softly In Leading a Team

By Craig Covello, PMP: Perhaps you have heard the phrase, “Speak softly and carry a big stick.” Let’s explore how leaders and project managers can use this axiom to effectively lead their teams. There’s some dispute regarding…
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Everything You Need to Know About PMOs

By Vicki Wrona, PMP: In this new white paper by Bruce Beer, we discuss PMOs (Project or Program Management Office) from A-Z, including: What is a PMO? What is the Business Value of a PMO? PMOs: Why One Might Be Needed Establishing…
Project Manager and the Business Analyst: Who’s Who?
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Project Manager and the
Business Analyst: Who’s Who?

By Karey Rees: It seems like there has been a lot of discussion lately about how the role of a Business Analyst differs from the role of a Project Manager. The answer can be a tricky one especially depending on the organization you work…
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PMOs – How To Integrate PMOs Into
the Organizational Structure

By Bruce Beer, PMP Note: This is the fifth and final post in a series on PMOs. In the previous four blogs in this series we looked at defining a PMO, the business value that they bring to a company, why your company might need one,…