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Innovation for Everyone

by Rob Zell Every time I pass the virtual newsstand (think about whatever your online resource is for gathering news or maybe you use an actual newsstand), I see headlines and features broadcasting the importance of innovation. Go to www.hbr.org (the…
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Projects, Projects Everywhere: A Project Portfolio Management Approach

by Kathy Martucci, PMP: Everybody’s project is this year’s priority. Everyone is a project manager. Every manager thinks her initiatives should receive major portions of the limited funding that is available these days. Every team wants…
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Get a Clue: Using Context
in Your Meeting (or Cocktail Party)

by Karen B. Smith, MBA, PMP: It has been said that it’s good to have an open mind, especially when so much richness can be gained. No, not the “richness” that comes with winning the lottery, but keeping an open mind to catch clues…
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Top Articles of 2011

by Vicki Wrona, PMP We have compiled for you our “Best Of” articles as determined by you, our readers. These are the most read articles of 2011. There are gems in these past articles worth of a revisit. We hope you enjoy reading…
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Implementing Successful PeopleSoft Projects

by Kathy Martucci, PMP In this new white paper by Kathy Martucci, she discusses the lifecycle of a PeopleSoft implementation from determining if this popular suite of software is right for your organization to conducting a post mortem…
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Everything You Need to Know About PMOs

By Vicki Wrona, PMP: In this new white paper by Bruce Beer, we discuss PMOs (Project or Program Management Office) from A-Z, including: What is a PMO? What is the Business Value of a PMO? PMOs: Why One Might Be Needed Establishing…