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Don’t Make the Same Mistakes. Make New Ones!

By Vicki Wrona, PMP: Recently, a colleague made a statement that I love and thought I would explore that with you. She tells her teams, “Don’t make the same mistakes, make new ones.” This resonated with me for several reasons. First,…
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Last Year’s Pitfall is
This Year’s Opportunity

By Tiffany Robinson The end of the year is a time to reflect back on all that you’ve done over the past 12 months and to become excited for the next year to come. I talked about reflecting on the past year in my last article (The Value…
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Rearview Mirror Project Management

By Dr. Gerald Mulenburg, PMP: A colleague of mine once complained to me about earned value management (EVM). “It’s ok, but it seems that managing using earned value management information is as if you’re driving down the highway…

Role of the Project Executor

by Bill Flury Obituary – Project AtoZ The innovative and productive and life of Project AtoZ came to a peaceful end today accompanied by happy team members and satisfied clients. The Final Tasks Projects are like people.…
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Did That Process Change Work?

by Alan Koch, Certified ITIL Expert, PMP, CSM, CTM Change is a fact of life. Sometimes, it is thrust upon us by outside factors, and sometimes we initiate the change to make things a little easier or efficient. One way or another, processes…
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The Project Manager’s Mirror

by Bill Flury At a local Pawn shop I saw something that was labeled “Project Manager’s Mirror.”  The manager said that it was quite old and had some remarkable powers. First, it could talk. Second, it always told the truth. This sounded…