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Quality Planning – Is It Really Worth It? (part 2)

by Bruce Beer, PMP: In Part 1, we introduced the difficulty of trying to create a quality plan on complex projects without historicals. Here, we complete the series by discussing the objectives and components of a quality plan. What is…
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What is Project Management Anyway?

(For those who really don’t know, and for those who really think they know.) By Dr. Gerald Mulenburg, PMP: We are pleased to welcome a new contributing author, Dr. Gerald Mulenburg. We are sure you will find his articles helpful. Project…
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Cross Footing and Run Rate Exhaustion, Part 1

By Craig Covello, PMP: This is part one of a two-part article. At first glance, the title of this article might lead you to believe that the subject has something to do with the Boston Marathon or Churchill Downs.  Although I’m sure…
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Quality Planning – Is It Really Worth It? (part 1)

By Bruce Beer, PMP: This is Part 1 of a two-part series. OK, so most Project Managers who have attended any type of project management class will have had “Quality” thrown at them with the outline of what should go into a “Quality…
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Different Train of Thought

By Vicki Wrona, PMP: Have you ever had a humorous misunderstanding arise because two people were approaching a conversation from different angles and were not understanding each other correctly? Let me give you a recent humorous example…
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Organizational Skills: Beyond the To-Do List

By Kathy Martucci, PMP: In every interview, there’s invariably a question about our organizational skills.  Let’s take a minute to think about how we’ve answered this question in the past.  I’ll bet most of us said we use to-do…