Asking the Right Questions
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Is Your Question an Invitation, a Request
or a Weapon?

by Karen Smith, MBA, PMP Forward Momentum is excited to announce the release of our FREE Insider’s Guide ebook, Asking the Right Questions: Is Your Question an Invitation, a Request, or a Weapon? Whether professionally or personally,…
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Wake Up Jack:
How to Pick Your Priorities

by Bill Flury Wednesday Morning Wake-Up Call It was 10:15 a.m. and Jack, our bright, young Technical Aide, was sound asleep in his chair. This was unusual because Jack was usually a bundle of energy, bustling about and eager to help any…
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The “Four Core” of Business Analysis

by Kathy Martucci, PMP It’s crunch time. User Acceptance Testing, the task that finally rallies all the functional resources (come on, you know it’s mostly true), is underway. The team is now reacting furiously to all the “defects”…
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More on Talent Management:
Developing Competency Models

By Edward J. Williams, MAEd, MHRM, MBA In a previous article, Business Strategy: Talent Management, I identified several components involved in employing a talent management strategy. This time, I would like to expand on one of those components:…
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Is There a Metaphor for
Project Management?

by Dr. Gerald Mulenburg, PMP In reading some metaphors that describe leadership, I began to think of metaphors I’ve seen for project management and wonder whether any really capture the essence of what happens in projects. Sports metaphors…
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How To Better Manage Resources:
See Fred Shrink Overtime

by Bill Flury What’s the Problem with Fred? There are some people for whom 24 hour days seem to be too short. They can’t get done all the things they have to do or should be doing within the time available. They work hard and long,…