Entries by vwrona

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Projects, Projects Everywhere: A Project Portfolio Management Approach

by Kathy Martucci, PMP: Everybody’s project is this year’s priority. Everyone is a project manager. Every manager thinks her initiatives should receive major portions of the limited funding that is available these days. Every team wants Information Technology resources and assumes they will be there, no questions asked. Projects, projects everywhere; and NO ONE knows what […]

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Top Articles of 2011

by Vicki Wrona, PMP We have compiled for you our “Best Of” articles as determined by you, our readers. These are the most read articles of 2011. There are gems in these past articles worth of a revisit. We hope you enjoy reading the timeless lessons offered as much as we enjoyed compiling the list. Click here to read the most-read articles […]

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Implementing Successful PeopleSoft Projects

by Kathy Martucci, PMP In this new white paper by Kathy Martucci, she discusses the lifecycle of a PeopleSoft implementation from determining if this popular suite of software is right for your organization to conducting a post mortem after the project is over. Over the last 15 years, Kathy has managed several PeopleSoft projects in the public and higher […]