Entries by vwrona

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Career Change: Making the Transition
From Public Service to Private Industry

by Alan A. Malinchak, CEO, Eclat Transitions This article continues my reflections on the changes you will need to consider as you journey beyond your current career in public service to your next successful career in private industry. The first article discussed preparing for the transition. Here I will discuss finding a job and completing the […]

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Successfully Executing Strategy –
Roadmap and Project Portfolio

By Michele Studer, MBA Is this the secret to successfully executing your strategy? The executive team spent three days in a closed-door session, reviewing market trends, analyzing the company’s past performance and crafting a new growth strategy. The new strategy represented a challenging vision and, if successful, promised tremendous growth. Congratulating each other on a […]

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Lessons Learned from the Pyramids

By Vicki Wrona, PMP I recently learned something interesting about the Bent Pyramid when watching the show Unearthing Ancient Secrets: Engineering Ancient Egypt, a show about the Great Pyramid. Before the Great Pyramid, other pyramids were built, one of which is known as the Bent Pyramid. At the base of the Bent Pyramid, the pyramid […]

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Career Change: Beginning the Transition
From Public Service to Private Industry

by Alan A. Malinchak, CEO, Eclat Transitions This article offers my reflections on the changes you will need to consider and begin as you approach your next successful career beyond your current career in public service. In 2002, I was: two years from FBI retirement eligibility, a Federal Employee Retirement System (FERS) retiree (not by choice), […]

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Did That Process Change Work?
Four Steps to Better Processes, Step 1

by Alan S. Koch, Certified ITIL Expert, PMP, CSM, CTM So you made some changes to the way you do your projects. Did those changes make a difference? How can you know? There is an old saying that goes, “You can’t manage what you don’t measure.” This saying has survived the test of time because […]