Entries by vwrona

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Setting Priorities: Clearing Your Plate
for a Stress-Free Weekend

by Burl W. Randolph Jr. Once again it’s Thursday, and those “To Do” items – Priorities, Critical Tasks, lists you created on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday – have all accumulated on Thursday, and your “Plate is Full.” Just like when we were children, and our parents said we could not leave the table without “Clearing Your Plate,” […]

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Thunder, Lightning and…
Project Management?!?

By Bill Flury Unfair! Unfair! We have all experienced big storms with lots of lightning flashing everywhere, lighting up the sky, sometimes doing great damage, and sometimes, just crashing about from one cloud to another. What do we call these outbursts of lightning? We call them thunderstorms. This is “Soooooooo Unfair!.” Thunder gets the top […]