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Where There’s a Wall, There’s a Way!
Achieving Group Consensus

By Bill Flury

When I was beginning to learn how to be a good systems engineer, my mentor gave me some advice that has served me well. He told me, “Never try to solve a big problem on a small sheet of paper. Some problems just won’t fit on 8.5 x 11.” It turns out that this is true.

Your whole team may be playing by the same rules, but perhaps it’s a good idea to make sure you’re all playing the same game. In this white paper, Bill Flury takes us through an exercise that reveals the advantages of aligning expectations and defining a workflow to streamline (and de-stress) everyone’s workday.

Read the full white paper Where There’s a Wall, There’s a Way! Achieving Group Consensus here, or click here to view all of Forward Momentum’s free white papers.