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Project Portfolio Management
Reporting and Review

By Kathy Martucci, PMP: Note: This is part 4 in our series on portfolio management. Part 1 is Projects Projects Everywhere: A Portfolio Management Approach, part 2 is Elements of Portfolio Management: Developing the Compelling Business…
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Understanding the Value of Project

By Vicki Wrona, PMP and Rob Zell Do you want to implement project management but aren’t getting the support from senior management that you need? Does your organization wonder where the value in project management can be found? We have…
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Yes, You Can Negotiate Project
Constraints! Part 2

by Alan S. Koch, PMP, CSM, Certified ITIL Expert: Note: This is Part 2 of a 2-part series on estimating and negotiating project constraints.  In part 1 we discussed how to estimate the cost and schedule of a seemingly non-negotiable project.…
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Improved Communication:
Using Neuro-Linguistic Programming
Clues to Get Results

by Karen B. Smith, MBA, PMP: Take your communications to the next level by learning to communicate beyond the words. Explore a technique called Neuro-Linguistic Programming, or NLP, where you use context clues to learn how someone else relates…
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Are Large and Small Projects Different?

By Craig Covello, PMP: As I write, there is a beautiful view reserved for travelers 30,000 feet above California, en route to Dallas. It’s a frequent trip these days that gives me pause to consider the perpetual to-do list on my Android.…
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Debacle: Case Study of a Small Project

by Kathy Martucci, PMP: Picture this: a roomful of disappointed and barely civil executives are intently focused on you. The one-page briefing you have prepared seems woefully inadequate to answer their questions and address the situation.…