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Holiday Season Quiz

by Bill Flury Congratulations! Your organization has asked you to be the project manager who will take charge of running all the holiday parties in December. Here are some things you will need to work on. 1. You will need a place to hold…
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Overcoming Organizational
Dysfunction: Unlock the Value of
Project Management to Get Work Done

by Vicki Wrona, PMP Forward Momentum is proud to announce the release of our FREE Insider's Guide ebook, Overcoming Organizational Dysfunction: Unlock the Value of Project Management to Get Work Done. Research has proven that project…

In the Spirit of Thanksgiving…

by Vicki Wrona, PMP Before you embark on Thanksgiving travel or festivities, I want to thank you for your business, referrals, readership and contributions. We are grateful for your trust, support and loyalty - that means a lot to us and…
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8 Steps to Managing Your Holidays
Like a (Project Management) Pro

by Karen B. Smith As a special bonus feature to her original article, De-stress Your Holiday with Our Tips and Budgeting Tool, Karen B. Smith has provided this life-saving infographic to help us all through the holidays! download the PDF version…
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Quality Planning:
Is It Really Worth It?

By Bruce Beer, PMP Have you ever noticed that every time you have a glass of your favorite orange juice, the flavor is exactly the same? Oranges don’t grow year-round, yet a taste of that juice in Florida during July is identical to one…
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Why Ask Why? Identifying the
Problem Behind the Problem

By Burl W. Randolph, Jr. Setting the Scene Everyone has a favorite word or phrase, with mine identified as "Why?" As a former intelligence officer, why became a natural question for three reasons. First, the initial report is always wrong.…