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Project Management on the Road:
Best Laid Plans

by Kerry Quinn “The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry.” -Robert Burns It has been a year since taking off on a journey to Explore – Serve – Share with people in the adventures of life (read our launch article here). The…
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An Integrated Approach
to Blended Learning

By Terri Harrell, M.A. One of the biggest challenges to the success of a blended learning program is that it be experienced as one program rather than multiple components. Each component needs to build off the one before, skills need to be…
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Split Decisions: The Dual
Cultures in Organizations

by Burl W. Randolph Jr. “A house divided against itself cannot stand” Mark 3:25 President Lincoln used this passage of scripture in his House Divided Speech in accepting the Republican nomination of 1858. Is your workplace a house divided?…
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White Paper: Tinkering with a Treasure
— A Project Case Study

by Bill Flury Some years ago, this tinkerer had the privilege of being selected to be the project manager of a project to refurbish and re-equip the Assembly Chamber in the New York State Capitol building in Albany, New York. The job included…
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The Value of Values

by Dr. Burl W. Randolph Jr. Much is heralded about values these days. At home, at work, in the community, values have always been important, but even more so today. What is the value of values in business? During the months of February and…
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Top 5 Rewind Articles of 2017

In our last post, we wrapped up our “Best of 2017” series of articles. These are the most-read articles of the year as determined by wise readers like yourself. In 2017, several articles from previous years (which we lovingly refer…