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Debacle: Case Study of a Small Project

by Kathy Martucci, PMP: Picture this: a roomful of disappointed and barely civil executives are intently focused on you. The one-page briefing you have prepared seems woefully inadequate to answer their questions and address the situation.…
Puzzle Pieces
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Managing Large Projects or Programs

By Bruce Beer, PMP: OK – you have been asked to manage a new major project that is an integral part of your company’s strategy (or your customer’s strategy if you are providing project services) and the cost is estimated to be in the…
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Control Your Project
Using the OODA Loop

by Vicki Wrona, PMP: I recently learned about a tool called the OODA loop. While the tool itself was created based on military fighter pilot observations and is now often used to train law enforcement, it has applications for use in business…
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Yes, You Can Negotiate Project
Constraints! Part 1

by Alan S. Koch, PMP, CSM, Certified ITIL Expert: Note: This is Part 1 of a 2-part series on estimating and negotiating project constraints. Estimation Is the Key “This is what we need. You can use these resources. And you must deliver…
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Evolving Professions: Project Management, Business Analyst, Business Architect

by Vicki Wrona, PMP: In the spirit of continuing my discussion of the evolution of project management, this month I will describe the evolution of various professions as I have seen it occur. I have found there are a variety of conflicting…
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One Future for Project Management

by Vicki Wrona, PMP I listened to a webinar recently regarding the future of project management. This webinar, called Project HEADWAY: Is There Anything New Under the Sun? Opening up the View of PM, was hosted by (formerly…