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Goal Analysis in 5 Simple Steps

By Dot Young This is Part II in a two-part series. In my last post we talked about the purpose of a Goal Analysis and why it is a good idea to perform one at the beginning of any project. You can read Part I here. In this post I will share…
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Make Feedback the Gift that Keeps on Giving

by Rob Zell Around my office, I am the feedback enforcer. Anytime a manager or peer delivers feedback they glance my way to make sure that they delivered the feedback in an effective manner. Feedback is critical to help team members reach…
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The Sound of Silence: Voices Not Heard

by Dr. Gerald Mulenburg, PMP If the title sounds familiar, it should. It comes from the Simon and Garfunkel song The Sound of Silence: “people talking without speaking, people hearing without listening.” And I’m sure you’ve been in…
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Enterprise Collaboration: Save Your Red

by Rob Zell Of the many television shows that have left a lasting impression on American culture, Star Trek led the way by bringing a vision of a bright future of exploration and (mostly) peaceful interactions. One of the most lasting memories…
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Tangible Benefits of Having
a Well Defined Process

by Bill Flury Our project team was together around the table at our weekly Brown Bag lunch. That’s where we catch up with each other and share our ideas and concerns. George, our team’s work estimator and planner, brought up a subject…
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Peace Is Overrated:
Balancing Tension to Maximize Results

by Rob Zell Because work done by today’s knowledge worker is accomplished in teams, learning how to balance the tension in your meetings and on your teams is a crucial survival skill in today’s professional environment. Learn one reliable…