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Teamwork Lessons From Horses

By Vicki Wrona, PMP Animals can teach us many things, especially an animal as empathic as the horse. I was fortunate enough recently to take a vacation to Glacier National Park. If you have never been there, I highly recommend it. During…
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Prepare for Titanic Problems

By Bill Flury Problems Don’t Add Up: They Multiply If you remember Murphy’s Law, “If anything can go wrong, it will” then you realize why you should do risk analysis for your projects.  You also need to remember the crucial addition…
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Foundation for Training:
What’s the Need Behind the Need?

by Rob Zell In part 1 of this series, we explored Kirkpatrick's Evaluation Model and the importance of starting the analysis of a training need with the end in mind - what the business looks like and needs to be successful.  In this article,…
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Foundation for Training:
It Begins at the End

by Rob Zell The ongoing challenge for every learning organization is to provide the right solution, at the right time, at the right price that meets the objectives of the business. The challenge is knowing where to start. Truly effective…
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Finish by Friday:
Delivering Deadlines on Time

by Bill Flury It was early Friday morning and Bob was telling me that the report he was working on was almost done and he would have it ready for me next week. He asked if that would be OK. I told him it was not OK and figured I had better…
Asking the Right Questions
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Is Your Question an Invitation, a Request
or a Weapon?

by Karen Smith, MBA, PMP Forward Momentum is excited to announce the release of our FREE Insider’s Guide ebook, Asking the Right Questions: Is Your Question an Invitation, a Request, or a Weapon? Whether professionally or personally,…