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Business Analysis Approach:
Planning for Success

by Kathy Martucci, PMP “Business Analysis is the practice of enabling change in an organizational context, by defining needs and recommending solutions that deliver value to stakeholders. The Business Analyst is an agent of change. Business…
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How Do You Translate
Vague-Specific Language?

By Bill Flury A deadline is approaching. You are checking your project schedule and see that John’s task is due to be finished a week from today. You catch up with John and the following conversation ensues: You: “John, your task is…
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Setting Priorities: Saying Yes to
Something is Saying No
to Something Else

By Vicki Wrona, PMP Whether I am working with new or seasoned employees or managers, I often see a misunderstanding of the consequences of saying “yes”. As Stever Robbins said in one of his Quick and Dirty Tips, “Saying no has real…
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Sugar Packet Wisdom

by Jennifer Gibson, Director of Learning Solutions at Forward Momentum It was 1980, and I was eight years old. My family, including my ten year-old brother, was taking our first ever vacation: a long weekend in Niagara Falls. At dinner on our…
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Blended Learning:
Shared Accountability for Success

by Jennifer Gibson In our series, "Blended Learning: Everything I Need to Know I Learned in High School" we’ve explored how our high school experience demonstrated best practices for blended learning. Ensuring that elements of Structure,…
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Mom – Your Project
Management Consultant

By Bill Flury Busy Day at the Office It had been a crazy morning. We had two tasks that absolutely needed to be finished today and there were still some key things that had to get done by noon. I had calls from three people that I had to put…