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The Teacher As Student

by Kathy Martucci, PMP: I was very lucky to teach project management and communication classes in both Sacramento and Austin for the Government Technology Conferences held there this June. I worked for New York State in several different…
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Finding Our Stakeholders’ REAL Needs

By Vicki Wrona, PMP An important tenet in management or project management is to understand and meet your stakeholders’ needs, including your boss, customers, other management, etc. How is it best to do that? There is (or at least was)…
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Challenge Your Organization

by Rob Zell: I am a runner and I love it. I enjoy the challenge of speedwork Thursdays and my long-run on Sunday mornings. It is hard to describe the sense of accomplishment you feel after completing a good run; a feeling like you have really…
Annoying Office Behavior
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Annoying Office Behavior

By Vicki Wrona, PMP: I had earlier posted a popular article on email pet peeves. Let’s continue that discussion by sharing how we handle annoying office behavior. With today’s open offices and greater workforce diversity in terms of…
Managing Projects Through Requirements
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Managing Projects through

by Kathy Martucci, PMP: As project managers, we are accustomed, even mandated, to planning our work and working our plan. We build and examine (and re-examine) Work Breakdown Structures and eventual project schedules. We swear our Gannt…
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Making Sure You Have the Right “Fix”

By Rob Zell: Before you can really solve a problem you have to get inside it, poke around in the guts of the matter, experience the pain it’s causing the organization, understand how people cope with the issue and how it ripples through…