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Paper vs. Electronic: Using the Brain’s
Preference to Work for You

By Vicki Wrona, PMP As I was flipping through a Scientific American magazine (yes, the paper version), I was intrigued by an article titled Why the Brain Prefers Paper1 exploring the results of studies on how the brain processes information…

At This Time of Thanksgiving –
Thank You!

by Vicki Wrona, President It is that time of year again when we reflect on the past year. We are proud of many accomplishments this year, from launching our newly designed website and LinkedIn business site to our new and improved PMP® exam…
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“Just In Time” for the Holidays!

by Karen Smith, MBA, PMP Editor's Note: This post contains a link to a holiday budget tool and another to an infographic. Take advantage of these free resources The holidays are nearly here. I suspect this isn’t shocking news as the…
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Balancing Project Portfolios:
The Double Dimension

By Kathy Martucci, PMP Note:  This is part 5 in our series on portfolio management. See below for previous entries. Before we begin, let me start out with two definitions that may seem obvious…but usually aren’t. Program: a program…
White Papers
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PMP® or CAPM® Exam Tips
and Requirements

by Vicki Wrona, PMP Are you thinking about getting PM certified but overwhelmed by the application process or where to get information on the certification options and requirements in one succinct place? This paper offers tips for the application,…
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Lessons Learned from the Pyramids

By Vicki Wrona, PMP I recently learned something interesting about the Bent Pyramid when watching the show Unearthing Ancient Secrets: Engineering Ancient Egypt, a show about the Great Pyramid. Before the Great Pyramid, other pyramids…