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Overcoming Organizational Obstacles to
Unlock the Value of Project Management Part 1:
Putting Out Fires and Reducing the Drama

By Vicki Wrona, PMP Recent research has documented the value of project management at various levels and in a variety of organizations. In the research study, Researching the Value of Project Management by Janice Thomas, Ph.D. and Mark Mullaly,…
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Negotiating with Difficult People:
We Have a Hostage Situation!

By Karen Smith, MBA, PMP Never Fear! [Your Name Here] to the Rescue! Chances are high that at least one point in your career or personal life, you’ve had to negotiate with someone who was holding something you value as “hostage.” This…
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Where There’s a Wall, There’s a Way!
Achieving Group Consensus

By Bill Flury When I was beginning to learn how to be a good systems engineer, my mentor gave me some advice that has served me well. He told me, “Never try to solve a big problem on a small sheet of paper. Some problems just won’t fit…
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White Paper: Encouraging Process Improvement

by Bill Flury Keep what you do simple. Many companies have found simple, practical ways to implement their programs and have achieved the benefits with little cost. The key factor in keeping the improvement effort simple is to start with documenting…
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Leadership Transitions:
What Are You Getting Yourself Into?

By Chris Hitch, Ph.D. & Rick Rocchetti You've just been hired to take on a role in a new organization or a new role in your current organization. You've worked hard to prepare for the change, but you're on a roller coaster of…
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What Is Project Success….Really?

By Vicki Wrona, PMP: When it comes to projects, the classic definition of project success is to deliver a project on time, on budget and within scope. However, I’m not sure that definition is adequate. I think it’s time that we revisit…