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95% is NOT a Passing Grade

by Bill Flury Graduation Preparation Graduation time was approaching, and the principal of the high school was speaking to an assembly program of seniors. His topic today was future grading systems. He told the seniors that they would…
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When the Project is Supposed
to be “A Piece of Cake”

by Bill Flury Starting a New Project  “Hey! Piece of cake!” That was the team leader speaking after I had described the team’s next project, a critical six-month, fixed price job for our top client. It was good to hear her speak…
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Getting Engaged:
Two Organizations, One Goal!

By Bill Flury The Announcement Beth and Gregory came back into the office very excited. They called everyone together in the conference room to make a very important announcement. Beth broke the news: “We’re engaged!” Everyone was…
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Resolving Conflict Within
Remote Teams

By Bill Flury A few years ago, I was manager of a Law Enforcement Assistance Administration project on which we had small teams working in eight different cities. Each team was tasked to work with the local police, courts, or corrections…
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Top 5 Rewind Articles of 2016

by Vicki Wrona, PMP In our last post, we wrapped up our “Best of 2016” series of articles. These are the most-read articles of the year as determined by you, our readers. In 2016, several articles from previous years (which we…
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Top Articles of 2016 #1-5

Our countdown of the top Forward Momentum blog posts of 2016 ends here with the Top 5! (If you missed numbers 6 through 10, click here.) These are the articles that garnered the most attention and sparked the liveliest conversation among…