How Do You Translate
Vague-Specific Language?
By Bill Flury
A deadline is approaching. You are checking your project schedule and see that John’s task is due to be finished a week from today. You catch up with John and the following conversation ensues:
You: “John, your task is…
Vague-Specific Language?
Setting Priorities: Saying Yes to
Something is Saying No
to Something Else
By Vicki Wrona, PMP
Whether I am working with new or seasoned employees or managers, I often see a misunderstanding of the consequences of saying “yes”. As Stever Robbins said in one of his Quick and Dirty Tips, “Saying no has real…
Something is Saying No
to Something Else
Teamwork Lessons From Horses
By Vicki Wrona, PMP
Animals can teach us many things, especially an animal as empathic as the horse. I was fortunate enough recently to take a vacation to Glacier National Park. If you have never been there, I highly recommend it. During…
Prepare for Titanic Problems
By Bill Flury
Problems Don’t Add Up: They Multiply
If you remember Murphy’s Law, “If anything can go wrong, it will” then you realize why you should do risk analysis for your projects. You also need to remember the crucial addition…
More on Talent Management:
Developing Competency Models
By Edward J. Williams, MAEd, MHRM, MBA
In a previous article, Business Strategy: Talent Management, I identified several components involved in employing a talent management strategy. This time, I would like to expand on one of those components:…
Developing Competency Models
Talent Management:
Designing the Employee Experience
by Rob Zell
Much has been made in the last several years about managing the guest experience. We often hear how companies are seeking to make service their differentiator, or do more to leverage data to maximize the customer relationship.…
Designing the Employee Experience