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Global Project Management:
Avoiding Last Minute Surprises

by Lana Boiko, PMP It is a very special thrill to manage complex global initiatives and projects. Doing so gives you a sense of excitement, novelty, pride and accomplishment. It raises your awareness of all of those important global differences:…
Did That Process Change Work? Four Steps to Better Processes
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Did That Process Change Work?
Four Steps to Better Processes, Step 3

by Alan S. Koch, Certified ITIL Expert, PMP, CSM, CTM In the last two posts, we tackled the issue of process change and the steps necessary to make modifications and ensure they stick. So far we have listed: Define your process goals Identify…
Successfully Executing Strategy
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Successfully Executing Strategy –
Assigning the Transformation Team

By Michele Studer, MBA Note: This is the last article in the three-part series. Part 1 discussed the roadmap and project portfolio and part 2 covered creating an effective governance structure and disciplined project management.     Recruit…
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“Just In Time” for the Holidays!

by Karen Smith, MBA, PMP Editor's Note: This post contains a link to a holiday budget tool and another to an infographic. Take advantage of these free resources The holidays are nearly here. I suspect this isn’t shocking news as the…
Did That Process Change Work? Four Steps to Better Processes
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Did That Process Change Work?
Four Steps to Better Processes, Step 2

by Alan S. Koch, Certified ITIL Expert, PMP, CSM, CTM In the last post we began the discussion of how to manage process change and focused on the importance of clearly defining the requirements. Once the requirements are clearly defined and…
Successfully Executing Strategy
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Successfully Executing Strategy –
Effective Governance and Disciplined
Project Management

By Michele Studer, MBA Note: This is the second in a series of three blog posts. Part 1 discussing the roadmap and project portfolio can be found here. The Buck Stops Here: An Effective Governance Structure In keeping with the holistic…