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The Thrill is Gone:
Motivation on Projects

by Craig Covello, PMP: You may be too young to remember a blues song entitled, “The Thrill Is Gone.” It was written in 1951 by Rick Darnell and Roy Hawkins, and later popularized by blues guitarist legend B.B. King in 1970. Allow…
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Keeping Your Project on Scope

by Bruce Beer, PMP: Note: This is part 3 of a 3-part series. The first in this series of Keeping on Track blogs dealt with how to keep your project on track with regard to time, the second dealt with how to stay within budget, this…
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How to Deliver Bad News: 3 Techniques

By Vicki Wrona, PMP: A frequent concern and popular topic in our communications, leadership or project management training classes is how to deliver bad news. We commonly discuss techniques of feeling empathy, putting yourself in their…
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It’s Your Project!

By Dr. Gerald Mulenburg, PMP: A book that I read recently keeps coming to mind when I think about project management. The name of the book is It’s Your Ship: Management Techniques From the Best Damn Ship in the Navy by Naval Captain…
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Learning Longevity: 4 Techniques to Make Learning Last

By Rob Zell: This is part 1 of a 3-part series. This article is aimed at learning organizations. I’ve worked in several organizations supporting schools, restaurants and retailers, and in every one the question is always, “How do…
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Keeping Your Project Within Budget

By Bruce Beer, PMP: Note: This is Part 2 of the Keeping Your Project on Track series. Click here to read Part 1, Keeping Your Project on Time. The first in this series of “Keeping Your Project on Track” dealt with how to keep your…