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Perfection: The Fake News About Successful Leadership

by Dr. Burl W. Randolph Jr. Perfection is NOT required to be successful. I cannot think of one thing in my life that I did perfectly. I have never been thin (We live in a skinny-obsessed world). I have never been a straight A student…
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Top 3 Survival Tips for Working From Home

by Tiffany Robinson I've been in a medium-pressure, corporate, work from home job since 2012. I can honestly say I would have to be offered some pretty extreme benefits to consider going back into an office environment on a daily basis. However…
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Toxicity: Person, Place, or Thing?

by Dr. Burl W. Randolph Jr. I rarely talk about the dirty little secret in leadership: Toxicity. We have all been there and seen that, yet it continues to exist in the contemporary workplace. Some of this toxicity can be identified…
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Leadership Lessons from the Left Seat:
Plan, Then Adapt

by Frank Burroughs A flight instructor once told me that “Flying is nothing more than a series of mistakes and corrections”. The sentiment is true, but no one really plans to make mistakes. A better but less snappy version of the saying…
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Leadership Lessons from the Left Seat

by Frank Burroughs Learning to fly a fixed-wing aircraft involves a certain amount (some may say a lot) of technical understanding of subjects like physics, meteorology, regulations, and even aviation jargon. In that sense it is like most…
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Project Management on the Road:
Best Laid Plans

by Kerry Quinn “The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry.” -Robert Burns It has been a year since taking off on a journey to Explore – Serve – Share with people in the adventures of life (read our launch article here). The…