Entries by vwrona

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How Triage Techniques Might Have Helped Toyota, Part 1

By Bruce Beer, PMP: This is the first of two posts. How can a company that built its reputation on quality have been in the state where they seemed to be pilloried from all directions due to quality failures? Toyota was in trouble, their sales were in crisis, their reputation in tatters, they spent billions […]

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Point-Counterpoint: The Technical
vs the Non-Technical
Project Manager

By Kathy Martucci, PMP: In this world of complex information technology projects, is a non-technical project manager as effective or as successful as a technical project manager? Is the project manager required to have a technical background to ensure success? Point: The technical project manager who is also well versed in the traditional skill set […]

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What Do You Do When You Don’t Get a Response?

By Vicki Wrona, PMP: Have you ever had someone who just wouldn’t respond to your messages, no matter how much you tried to reach them? There are a myriad of reasons why this occurs. Regardless of that, how do you interpret the silence? What do you do about it? I just read a thought-provoking article […]