Entries by vwrona

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Sharing Around the
Virtual Water Cooler

by Rob Zell: Many organizations are struggling today with the concept of incorporating social networks into the workplace. I don’t blame them. There are plenty of issues that immediately come to mind: How do you secure the information? How do you keep conversations appropriate for the workplace? How do you keep people productive? There is […]

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How Triage Techniques Might Have Helped Toyota, Part 2

by Bruce Beer, PMP: Earlier, we began exploring Toyota’s quality and performance problems through 2010 and how Triage efforts could help them recover before it is too late. In this post, we continue that discussion. (Click here to read Part 1.) Let us look at a few options they may have wanted to consider. Firstly, let […]

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Generational Leadership: A New Dimension of Diversity

By Kathy Martucci, PMP: The generational makeup of the workforce has changed significantly in the last 10 years. Today, more generations work together in single workplaces and they have greater disparities than ever before. The workforce will continue to have dramatic shifts in age over the next 5-10 years.  There is a new generation entering […]