Entries by vwrona

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Trapped In Meetings?

By Kathy Garland No one can argue that most companies spend too much time in meetings. Too many agenda items, too many things to accomplish in too little time, no guidelines, no clear understanding of the real purpose of the meeting are things I’ve found get in the way of having a productive meeting. One […]

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Managing Projects through

by Kathy Martucci, PMP: As project managers, we are accustomed, even mandated, to planning our work and working our plan. We build and examine (and re-examine) Work Breakdown Structures and eventual project schedules. We swear our Gannt chart is our most important tool for tracking, managing and communicating. While this approach has led to many successful outcomes, […]

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Managing Projects with
Limited Authority

by Lana Boiko, PMP Perhaps the most common environment a typical project manager works in is a matrix organization.  Given this circumstance, a lot of project managers not only have no formal authority when it comes to our clients, but also have limited formal authority within our own company. Often the most successful project managers […]