Entries by vwrona

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Pressure: What Keeps Most
Eggs from Cracking?

By Burl W. Randolph Jr. I would imagine that everyone has bought eggs, right? Catchy intro, huh? Anyway, there are many clichés and metaphors referring to ‘cracking’ eggs to achieve a goal, or related to succumbing to pressure. Pressure is something that leaders are well acquainted with, and a mainstay in leadership positions. Merriam-Webster defines pressure in three ways: […]

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Resolving Conflict Within
Remote Teams

By Bill Flury A few years ago, I was manager of a Law Enforcement Assistance Administration project on which we had small teams working in eight different cities. Each team was tasked to work with the local police, courts, or corrections agencies to seek out and document ideas for improving operational processes or equipment. We […]

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Leading Differently:
Remote vs. Face-to-Face Teams

By Frank Burroughs Today’s business environment is leveraging connectivity at a pace that leaves many of us scrambling to stay fully engaged with colleagues we seldom (or never) see face to face. While simply trying to learn the various technology tools available, we may forget that our ultimate goal remains the same: creating a level […]