Managing Virtual Team Members – Not Your Parent’s Management Style
By Vicki Wrona, PMP
I have always prided myself on my ability to manage and motivate my team as well as to get many of my employees promoted. I took the time to get to know their business and personal goals, to clear roadblocks, and to coach…
Virtual Teams and PMOs – The European Experience
By Bruce Beer, PMP:
Working with virtual teams and PMOs has enough challenges when they are all contained in the USA; however when these teams are global with different time zones and languages, it has a certain dimension that adds “interest”…
Sharing Around the
Virtual Water Cooler
by Rob Zell:
Many organizations are struggling today with the concept of incorporating social networks into the workplace. I don’t blame them. There are plenty of issues that immediately come to mind:
How do you secure the information?
Virtual Water Cooler
How Triage Techniques Might Have Helped Toyota, Part 2
by Bruce Beer, PMP:
Earlier, we began exploring Toyota’s quality and performance problems through 2010 and how Triage efforts could help them recover before it is too late. In this post, we continue that discussion. (Click here to read…
The Critical Role of the Project Sponsor
By Kathy Martucci, PMP:
One of the most well-known critical success factors in any project is executive support. In effect, the project manager must recruit, train and retain an effective sponsor who can add value to the project. How can…
What Happened to the Triple Constraints Model?
By Darrell G. Stiffler
The triple constraints model has been one of the main staples for teaching project management for as long as I can remember. The model is generally represented by a triangle with Scope on the horizontal leg, Time on the left leg, Cost or Resources on the right leg and Quality in the center of the triangle.