Overcoming Organizational Obstacles to
Unlock the Value of Project Management Part 1:
Putting Out Fires and Reducing the Drama
By Vicki Wrona, PMP
Recent research has documented the value of project management at various levels and in a variety of organizations. In the research study, Researching the Value of Project Management by Janice Thomas, Ph.D. and Mark Mullaly,…
Unlock the Value of Project Management Part 1:
Putting Out Fires and Reducing the Drama

Career Change from Public Service
to Private Industry
By Vicki Wrona, PMP
Are you ready to make a change from public service to private industry but not sure where to start?
Read this new white paper titled Career Change From Public Service to Private Industry: Not Quite as Easy as Sunday…
to Private Industry

Tips for Running Great Meetings
By Vicki Wrona, PMP:
I would like to share an invaluable resource for running effective meetings. This concise book goes beyond the obvious high-level discussion of running effective meetings such as what to do before, during and after the…

Overcoming Organizational Obstacles to
Unlock the Value of Project Management
Part 2: Mowing Down Turf Protection
by Vicki Wrona, PMP
In the previous post, Putting Out Fires and Reducing the Drama, we examined the first of five cultural barriers. We’ll now explore the second obstacle faced by project managers and project team members: turf protection.
Unlock the Value of Project Management
Part 2: Mowing Down Turf Protection

Key Elements of Integrity
By Chris Hitch, Ph.D.
Originally published by UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School
During the first post on this series (view here), I argued that demonstrating ROI for Integrity is a key leadership challenge at all levels. If you are an…

What is Return on Integrity
(and Why is it Important?)
By Chris Hitch, Ph.D.
Originally published by UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School
During an executive development program of high potential mid-career professionals, we talked about a significant problem. “We’re told over and over…
(and Why is it Important?)