No Goals
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Don’t Set Service Goals in 2013

by Rob Zell: Everywhere you turn, someone is writing about customer service: how important it is; how it is the differentiator in a sea of common products and services; how much guest loyalty brings to the bottom line. In light of this trend,…
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Keep a Smile and Your “Customers”
Coming Back

by Karey Rees I recently returned from a fun vacation to Disney World with my family. Every time I go to a Disney park I am in awe at the outward level of friendliness, happiness and willingness to help others from all employees. Over our…
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What to Do with the Clues!

By Karen B. Smith, MBA, PMP: In my earlier Get A Clue post, I discussed that neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is a connection between the neurological processes (“neuro”), language (“linguistic”), and behavioral patterns that…
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Pushing Yourself to Higher Performance

On Saturdays, all belt levels in my Haidong Gumdo program show up for practice. Last Saturday, I was the total new kid on the block with many experienced people in the class. I could choose
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Try Reverse Brainstorming

by Vicki Wrona, PMP We are all familiar with brainstorming, but its impact is often quite limited due to a number of factors discussed earlier. But have you heard of reverse brainstorming? It is a simple technique which can generate truly…
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Brainstorming: We Know What to Do, Why Don’t We Do it?

By Vicki Wrona, PMP: We all know what brainstorming is and how to do it. Then how come so many people do it so poorly? They think they do it well, but as an observer, I can tell you they don’t. And the ones who are proudest and loudest…