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Taking an Artistic Approach:
Increasing Your Creativity in
Business Communications

By Rob Zell: I had a boss once who loved to draw on the white board. It became something of a joke on his team, that at the beginning of a meeting we would hide the dry erase markers before he came into the room. It never stopped him;…
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What We’re Reading – Nov 2011

By Vicki Wrona, PMP; Dr. Gerald Mulenburg, PMP: While talking with the team, we thought it would be fun to share some of the recent books that we have been reading and hear from you what you find interesting and relevant now. There is…
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Initial Considerations of a PeopleSoft Project

By Kathy Martucci, PMP: Editor’s note: This is the second post in a series about implementing PeopleSoft projects. The first post on whether PeopleSoft is right for your organization can be found here. Your organization just purchased…
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Six Principles of Good Project Management

By Dr. Gerald Mulenburg, PMP: A principle is the “basic way in which something works.” All major disciplines are based on principles. Think of just about any field of work and there are a set of principles involved: law; medicine;…
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Red Is Not a Problem As Long As It Is the Truth

By Vicki Wrona, PMP: I was recently working at the world’s largest software developer when one of the managers made a statement that really stuck with me. We were talking about reporting and she said, “Red is not a problem as long…
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Choosing PeopleSoft – Is it Right for Your Organization?

By Kathy Martucci, PMP: I have been involved in PeopleSoft implementations for over 10 years – before the product was web-enabled, in fact. Overall, the product is extremely robust and offers literally thousands of functional threads…