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Lessons Learned from the Pyramids

By Vicki Wrona, PMP I recently learned something interesting about the Bent Pyramid when watching the show Unearthing Ancient Secrets: Engineering Ancient Egypt, a show about the Great Pyramid. Before the Great Pyramid, other pyramids…
Did That Process Change Work? Four Steps to Better Processes
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Did That Process Change Work?
Four Steps to Better Processes, Step 1

by Alan S. Koch, Certified ITIL Expert, PMP, CSM, CTM So you made some changes to the way you do your projects. Did those changes make a difference? How can you know? There is an old saying that goes, "You can't manage what you don't…
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Project Portfolio Management
Reporting and Review

By Kathy Martucci, PMP: Note: This is part 4 in our series on portfolio management. Part 1 is Projects Projects Everywhere: A Portfolio Management Approach, part 2 is Elements of Portfolio Management: Developing the Compelling Business…
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Understanding the Value of Project

By Vicki Wrona, PMP and Rob Zell Do you want to implement project management but aren’t getting the support from senior management that you need? Does your organization wonder where the value in project management can be found? We have…
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Yes, You Can Negotiate Project
Constraints! Part 2

by Alan S. Koch, PMP, CSM, Certified ITIL Expert: Note: This is Part 2 of a 2-part series on estimating and negotiating project constraints.  In part 1 we discussed how to estimate the cost and schedule of a seemingly non-negotiable project.…
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Are Large and Small Projects Different?

By Craig Covello, PMP: As I write, there is a beautiful view reserved for travelers 30,000 feet above California, en route to Dallas. It’s a frequent trip these days that gives me pause to consider the perpetual to-do list on my Android.…