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Initial Considerations of a PeopleSoft Project

By Kathy Martucci, PMP: Editor’s note: This is the second post in a series about implementing PeopleSoft projects. The first post on whether PeopleSoft is right for your organization can be found here. Your organization just purchased…
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Increasing Accountability for Ourselves and Our Teams

By Vicki Wrona, PMP: I recently read two articles by Roger Connors regarding how to increase accountability on our teams. (1-Accountability Leads To Greater Influence and 2-Uncontrollables?) While he is working with large organizations…
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What is a PMO and What Does it Do?

By Bruce Beer, PMP: Editor’s note: This is the first post in a series on PMOs. PMOs are increasingly becoming the “in thing” these days, even though they have been around for many years. So this series of articles will try and…
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Favorite Podcasts

By Vicki Wrona, PMP;  Rob Zell: While listening to podcasts and reading articles that I enjoy, I thought that if we all share our favorite business blogs and podcasts, we might find a few gems to brighten our weeks. Below are some suggestions.…
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Six Principles of Good Project Management

By Dr. Gerald Mulenburg, PMP: A principle is the “basic way in which something works.” All major disciplines are based on principles. Think of just about any field of work and there are a set of principles involved: law; medicine;…
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The Long, Straight Line Ahead of You:
Project Orientation in Life

by Craig Covello, PMP: If you have taken the time to stop and read this article, then it’s probably safe to assume that you might be a project manager.  But to narrow the readership further proves difficult, because project managers…