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Sincerity: The Secret Sauce of
My Leadership Style

By Burl Randolph Jr. I often speak to various groups within my community, and I am frequently asked: What’s the secret to your success? For years I asked myself the same thing: What makes me so successful year after year, in different…
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What If You Held A Best Practices
Meeting… And Nobody Came?

By Bill Flury First Meeting: A Great Idea We were discussing how we could get started with the business of process improvement. Mickey said, “Hey! I’ve got a great idea! The Quality folks are always telling us that we should be on…
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How Fast Tracking Saved My Life

By Craig Brown Numerous articles and presentations abound about crashing or fast tracking a schedule.  These techniques are designed to get your project back on schedule but with risks and costs, which may make the practice less attractive. …
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A 3 Foot Piece of String
Can Save Your Project

By Bill Flury We were getting going on a major system conversion process. Our job was to replace a legacy image processing system with all new hardware and software. Our team included three contractors, one for software, one for the computing…
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Mentoring: A Momentum Maker

By Burl W. Randolph, Jr. When you are 'In the Zone', you know it. Business is booming, promotions are plentiful, and when you speak, E.F. Hutton listens. Everything works right, feels right, goes right, and is right. Then, it happens: Nothing.…
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Setting Priorities: Clearing Your Plate
for a Stress-Free Weekend

by Burl W. Randolph Jr. Once again it’s Thursday, and those "To Do" items – Priorities, Critical Tasks, lists you created on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday – have all accumulated on Thursday, and your "Plate is Full." Just like when…