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The Value of Speaking Softly In Leading a Team

By Craig Covello, PMP: Perhaps you have heard the phrase, “Speak softly and carry a big stick.” Let’s explore how leaders and project managers can use this axiom to effectively lead their teams. There’s some dispute regarding…
Annoying Office Behavior
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Annoying Office Behavior

By Vicki Wrona, PMP: I had earlier posted a popular article on email pet peeves. Let’s continue that discussion by sharing how we handle annoying office behavior. With today’s open offices and greater workforce diversity in terms of…
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Making Sure You Have the Right “Fix”

By Rob Zell: Before you can really solve a problem you have to get inside it, poke around in the guts of the matter, experience the pain it’s causing the organization, understand how people cope with the issue and how it ripples through…
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Fake It ‘Til You Make It…With Body Language

By Vicki Wrona, PMP: A message that is repeated often enough eventually becomes the truth. It’s a common tactic of marketers, fame-seekers, and many politicians – They take the concept of “Fake it Til You Make it” to a different…
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SME Creep: When a Project Manager Slowly Loses
Authority to a Subject Matter Expert

By Darrell G. Stiffler, PMP: Subject matter experts (SMEs) are generally a very valuable asset to a project manager (PM). However, as a PM, you must be prudent in how much authority and control is given to or taken by a SME. Additionally,…
Managing Projects with Limited Authority
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Managing Projects with
Limited Authority

by Lana Boiko, PMP Perhaps the most common environment a typical project manager works in is a matrix organization.  Given this circumstance, a lot of project managers not only have no formal authority when it comes to our clients, but…