Virtual Teams – Managing
Large Amounts of Information
By Craig Covello, PMP:
Many of us who manage large projects are flooded by e-mail and their associated attachments each day. These discrete items of information sit in our in-box silently demanding attention, yet often the subject lines do…
Large Amounts of Information

How Triage Techniques Might Have Helped Toyota, Part 2
by Bruce Beer, PMP:
Earlier, we began exploring Toyota’s quality and performance problems through 2010 and how Triage efforts could help them recover before it is too late. In this post, we continue that discussion. (Click here to read…

How Triage Techniques Might Have Helped Toyota, Part 1
By Bruce Beer, PMP:
This is the first of two posts.
How can a company that built its reputation on quality have been in the state where they seemed to be pilloried from all directions due to quality failures?
Toyota was in trouble,…

Getting Past No – The Saga Continues…
By Brian Egan, PMP:
Getting Past No – Negotiations in Difficult Situations by William Ury, Bantom Books, 2007, is the sequel to Getting to Yes (Fisher and Ury, 1981).
First published in 1991, ten years after Getting to Yes, this book…

Listen to Me! I Have Some Good Ideas!
By Bruce Beer, PMP:
Have you ever thought of a great improvement to content, process, design, product etc., and respectfully suggested this to your manager? What was his or her response? It could well have been something like “Great idea,…

The Sponsor’s Role in a Project is Imperfectly Clear – One Man’s Humorous Journey to Understand It
By Darrell G. Stiffler, PMP:
When battling through a project, the Project Manager’s (PM’s) closest ally should be the Project Sponsor (PS). However, there is confusion when talking to different people in exactly what the responsibilities…