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Project Management:
The Ultimate Transferable Skill?

by Kathy Martucci, PMP: Face it, one of the reasons you like being a project manager is that, theoretically, you could be in the healthcare sector one week and in the finance sector the next.  But is it really that easy to wrap up your…
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Opportunities Have Expiration Dates

by Dr. Burl W. Randolph Jr. The military operates at a breakneck pace for one reason, and one reason only: Opportunities Have Expiration Dates The concept of opportunities having expiration dates is nothing new, I have simply placed the concept…
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Top Resources:
Leadership, Learning and Inspirational

By Vicki Wrona, PMP; Rob Zell Here is an interesting statistic: Did you know that business people who read at least 7 business books a year earn over 2.3 times more than people who read only one book per year? Let me help you get into the…

Top Resources: Business and Productivity

by Vicki Wrona, PMP This is part 1 of a multi-part series sharing some favorite resources. Part 1 will explore business and productivity resources. Other posts will explore learning, inspirational, and leadership resources. I hope you find…
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Managing Virtual Teams on Complex Projects: The European Experience

by Vicki Wrona, PMP: In this new white paper by Bruce Beer, he discusses key lessons learned from his experience working with a PMO managing a team consisting of people from the U.S., Europe and Asia. This particular remote…
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Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

By Bill Flury Yesterday You had a disappointing project meeting. Two of your task leaders reported that they were at least a week behind schedule. One reported that his four week task would have to be completely re-done. The only good…