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Brainstorming: We Know What to Do, Why Don’t We Do it?

By Vicki Wrona, PMP: We all know what brainstorming is and how to do it. Then how come so many people do it so poorly? They think they do it well, but as an observer, I can tell you they don’t. And the ones who are proudest and loudest…
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Don’t Put Project Management in a Box

By Vicki Wrona, PMP Project Management is both operational and strategic. It uses both analytical and interpersonal skills. It includes leadership and negotiations. Why do we want to limit its definition…and our worth as project managers?! All too often I run into senior managers who believe that project management is strictly an operational function. They need a project done and someone gets it done...that's how they see it. But as good as that is, if used properly, project management can be much more than that. When used by senior management or in a project management office (PMO), it can be strategic as well. The project management office or similar function can help determine which projects will be funded and how they will be prioritized and worked. In other words, with solid portfolio management practices, they determine the mix of projects that best support the organization’s mission. This is not an operational function but instead a very strategic one.