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Focus: The Key to Success

by Bill Flury The “Ten Most Wanted” Cars At the morning roll call the Indianapolis Chief of Police spoke to his patrol officers about his frustration with their inability to locate stolen cars. He held up the stolen car listing that…
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White Paper: Planning by Checklist

by Bill Flury Several people told me I had to meet and talk with Paul. Paul is an exceptional project manager in a government contractor organization. In the past eight years he has successfully run more than 80 projects, all of which have been…
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Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

By Bill Flury Yesterday You had a disappointing project meeting. Two of your task leaders reported that they were at least a week behind schedule. One reported that his four week task would have to be completely re-done. The only good…
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The Project Manager’s Mirror

by Bill Flury At a local Pawn shop I saw something that was labeled “Project Manager’s Mirror.”  The manager said that it was quite old and had some remarkable powers. First, it could talk. Second, it always told the truth. This sounded…
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The Ghost Meeting

By Bill Flury Yesterday, four people met in the conference space to address three issues of concern to all of them. The agenda had been circulated beforehand so the discussion was very focused. They agreed on how each of the issues should…
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Top REWIND Articles of 2019 #1-5

These gems are a little older than their shiny top-ranking 2019 counterparts, but they were unearthed by so many resourceful new readers last year that they became just as popular. The lessons contained within are as useful now as the day they…