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Taking an Artistic Approach:
Increasing Your Creativity in
Business Communications

By Rob Zell: I had a boss once who loved to draw on the white board. It became something of a joke on his team, that at the beginning of a meeting we would hide the dry erase markers before he came into the room. It never stopped him;…
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What is a PMO and What Does it Do?

By Bruce Beer, PMP: Editor’s note: This is the first post in a series on PMOs. PMOs are increasingly becoming the “in thing” these days, even though they have been around for many years. So this series of articles will try and…
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Red Is Not a Problem As Long As It Is the Truth

By Vicki Wrona, PMP: I was recently working at the world’s largest software developer when one of the managers made a statement that really stuck with me. We were talking about reporting and she said, “Red is not a problem as long…
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Buzzwords: Sayings We Love to Hate

By Vicki Wrona, PMP: Let’s have a little fun with this post. I was talking to someone recently and the topic of clichés and business buzzwords came up. I don’t know about you, but there are certain people I work with that I have…
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Keeping Your Project on Scope

by Bruce Beer, PMP: Note: This is part 3 of a 3-part series. The first in this series of Keeping on Track blogs dealt with how to keep your project on track with regard to time, the second dealt with how to stay within budget, this…
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How to Deliver Bad News: 3 Techniques

By Vicki Wrona, PMP: A frequent concern and popular topic in our communications, leadership or project management training classes is how to deliver bad news. We commonly discuss techniques of feeling empathy, putting yourself in their…